Battery Metals Forum returns to Kinshasa in September as demand for key minerals and metals remains high

Global demand means unprecedented opportunities ​

By Oke Peter
Key role players in the battery manufacturing value chain from the private and public sectors are to converge in Kinshasa from 17–18 September for the Battery Metals Forum DRC-Africa.

Battery production for EVs and renewable energy storage relies on several key minerals and metals, including cobalt, copper, lithium, nickel, graphite, manganese, rare earths and the 3Ts (tin, tungsten and tantalum).

The DRC is the world’s leading producer of cobalt, accounting for over 60% of global supply, and the country is also an important copper supplier, along with neighbour Zambia, in the renowned Copperbelt.

“The global demand for battery minerals presents unpresented opportunities for the DRC to leverage its natural resources for economic development” says Samukelo Madlabane, Event Director at the VUKA Group, who are the organisers of the event.

He adds: “Under the theme of ‘Building a robust sustainable battery metals ecosystem in the DRC,’ Battery Metals Forum DRC-Africa is committed to positioning the country as the African hub for battery metals production and manufacture. It contributes to building an inclusive and equitable battery metals industry in the heart of Africa, underpinning broad-based sustainable growth, local beneficiation and socio-economic development.”

Experts and trailblazers
The high-level two-day gathering will provide valuable networking and matchmaking with senior local and international industry decision-makers. During the sessions, industry experts and trailblazers, who have successfully localised the processing of raw materials and created local manufacturing industries, will share their experiences and lessons learnt along the way. In addition, attendees can study the many opportunities within the DRC’s and Zambia’s battery manufacturing industries.

In particular, the sessions will focus on:

• An overview of the feasibility study of the proposed DRC-Zambia Special Economic Zone
• Projects and best practices presentations – battery metals industry lead
• Energy transition: Energy supply for the battery metals industry
• Policies and regulations:

*Regional corporation

*Sustainability battery regulation

• Infrastructure investment:

*Local processing and beneficiation

*Public-private partnership (PPPs)

• Global market trends:

*Local and regional investment opportunities

*Market dynamics and price volatility

• Technology and skills development: digital transformation

Industry support
Following its successful launch last year, the event has already attracted the support of leading names in the sector with Cominiere SA as the cobalt sponsor, Axishouse Group as the copper sponsor, Elephant Services as the nickel sponsor and DEV Solaire and The Hydraulic Centre as the bronze sponsors.

The following expert and VIP speakers have been confirmed for the programme:

Albert Zeufack, Country Director, World Bank, DRC; Bodom Matungulu, Expert, Technical Advisor in Charge of Infrastructure Projects, DRC
Bryan Bille, Geopolitical and policy principal, Benchmark Mineral Intelligence, Belgium; Denis Lecouturier, Managing Expert Director, CCB, DRC
Eric Monga Mumba, Chief Executive, Kipay Investments, DRC; Franck Fambwa, Executive Director, RND Asbl (Natural Resources Development), DRC
H.E. Lucy Tamlyn, US Ambassador in Kinshasa, DRC; Hervé-Michel Bia Buetuswa, Partner & Co-founder, OVK Law Firm SCP, DRC; Iongwa Mashangao, CEO and Co-Founder, Altech, DRC
Jean-Marie Kanda, Coordinator of the (ACEB)/Administration member of CCB, DRC; Jessica Webe, Executive Director, United Global Compact Network, DRC
Joachim Nzuzi, Chief of Staff, ERG Africa
Kern Iponga, Expert in Management of Special Economic Zones, Gabon; Richard Zhao, Founder/CEO, Fourier Energy, China; Romain Deniel, Country Manager, Arise IIP, DRC; Vuko Ndondo Kakule, Deputy Managing Director, CCB, DRC
Yanchen Wang, Managing Director, SMM- Information & Technology Co, China; Yannick Sukakumu, General Manager, Data Ratio Centres, DRC

Battery Metals Forum DRC-Africa is organised by The VUKA Group (formerly Clarion Events Africa), a leading Cape Town-based and multi-award-winning organiser of exhibitions, conferences and digital events across the continent in the infrastructure, energy, mining, mobility, ecommerce and CX sectors. Other well-known events by The Vuka Group include DRC Mining Week, Nigeria Mining Week, Enlit Africa, Africa’s Green Economy Summit, Smarter Mobility Africa, ECOM Africa and CEM Africa.Mining Review Africa, the leading monthly magazine and digital platform in the African mining industry, is the event’s premium media partner.

Battery Metals Forum DRC-Africa between 17–18 September 2024 at the Fleuve Congo Hotel, Kinshasa, DRC.

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